Broken glass on the window

Travelling fast,
speed on the road,
Life is on the track,
i wished it continued without any setbacks.
I travel with the bus,
wherever the tyers take, we rush
I am on the body, on its side,
People see me as i stay above the ads.
Among many like me, i stand out
Coz i am a broken glass on the window of a volvo.
My life’s ok, no regrets,
No friends but tyers were my enemy since the start.
They always took the wrong tracks,
But blamed the driver whose instincts lacks.
i have 2 scars on me,
No wonder they always have curtains,
So that travelers can’t see me.
Today’s a different day, a red lady came and took a seat closest to me,
She wanted to see, see outside at the crazy and fast world,
The curtains were tightly tucked in so the ugly me can be forbidden from the view of others,
She instructed for my releasement from the clutches of the curtain folds,
The cleaner disagreed but finally gave up.
she was stubborn to see what was kept away, i took a deep breath,
knew my freedom is short lived,
but assumptions are not always reality.
She saw my scars, i saw her - simple but beautiful,
she trembled a bit, i thought maybe i have reached the end,
she, touched the curtain, i took a deep breath,
to my surprise she opened it completely,
i was free again, Yippee i said to myself.
She kept staring at me.. must be seeing through
concentrated on my scars,
My eyes glued on her,
with shivering fingers, unsure of her actions,
she touched my scares. Her cold touch smoothened all my pain and tiredness
She realized that the inner me was intact and the outer me was completely broken,
she felt me up again and again,
she smiled and titled her head on me,
i could feel her hair touching me and wondered the smile was not sympathy but empathy,
she could feel my pain, my life, my gains,
the sides of her lips brushed on me,
the pink lipstick shade stuck on me,
was happy and sad at the same time,
we were on a sand clock running short on time.
Time space theory was decreasing,
the destination was coming closer every second.
I wish i could stop time and keep her with me forever mine.
The bus took a sunned jerk, she work up hurdled,
Collected her bags and rubbed her eyes.
Her destination was a few minutes away.
did she care for me anyway?
About to get up she looked at me,
Brought her lips closer to me,
my heart sank, did she realize i was staring,
no i think not, she wanted to see her reflection,
She stood up to leave and i bid her goodbye in my way,
i felt the pain of separation from a loved one,
she came back for a magazine she forgot,
i thought again she stared for reflection, but before she left
spoke a few words that changed my life, I was satisfied
someone finally understood me, the reason for my prolonged survival
Her words ' We both are same, Hurt by others, Both suffers from smoothness outside but scars inside!"
Suddenly i heard a scream,
it was my colleague, placed opposite to me,
it was as if someone shot at him,
i saw a stone pass through him like a bullet,
Unexpectedly which came flowing towards me,
its a realization of my life coming to an end.
its going to be my last breath, i knew
then i turned my face coz i was scared to see death in its eyes
saw her outside, i wished i could just see her eyes, just once,
my last wish was fulfilled when the stone hit through me like a bullet
must be the same kind of pain
my heart flew, pieces of me scattered in the air,
one part went somewhere, somewhere cold, watery and dark.
but now at last i was satisfied coz after sometime i realized where did i land,
was in her eyes, forever stored.
She lost her eyesight which i feel guilty for but now i will be with my love.
Forever & ever to come..